Case Study
A company
with 25 crore turnover has a finance manager with 2 accountants.
Finance function is in mess and finance manager is badly looking
for some senior finance professional to guide him.
The Owner is frustrated as he is not getting quality MIS on monthly
basis to explain business & fluctuation in profits. He needs a CFO
and MIS team at affordable price who can help him plan strategy
for business from finance perspective and can be growth partner
for next io years. Various merchant bankers are approaching him
for listing at NSE emerge but he does not know what to share, what
not and how to take this ahead.
Case Study
One business
owner approached us in 2012 for CFO service. He had 60 crore turnover
and 10% margin. He wanted to suicide. We asked him why, he mentioned
that in order to save taxes, he did not keep his books clean and
it has lot of bogus entries. He did not know that last few years
he has been making losses as he did not have good CFO to give him
MIS and advice. In the process, his real cash flow became so bad
that bank had issued notice to auction all his properties and all
his relatives were after his life to get back the money they lent
Case Study
A service
professional is quite worried because he finds his accountant dump
and his CA not able to help beyond filing his returns and doing
audit. He cannot afford a full time CFO but need help to streamline
his finance so that he can focus on business. He also wants somebody
to take strategic decision with him to multiply his fees by 3 fold.